30 May 2009

Nutmeg: Identity Crisis

Before I named Nutmeg officially, the family’s been calling her “fei mui”. And it seemed like the endearment had stuck to her. Cos now it’s an auto-mode for me to call her just that. So I’m gonna nick-named her “fei mui”.

As Jnr has problem pronouncing that nickname, he has started calling her “Fatso”. LOL!!!!!!

29 May 2009

Bedtime Manners

Both Mae's & Nutmeg's bedtime manners are very common.

Either Under

Or Inside.

But for Evie, hers is special.
It's at the top of it all.

And she stashes her food in there too.

Naming the Gers


I've finally decided on the names.

The female Sapphire WW will be named Evie.

The female Campbell will be Nutmeg.

28 May 2009

Mae: Munching Away

I love it when I caught the little ones munching away at the food dish.

But not at themselves. Pls dun tell me that is a red bald patch
on the thigh and leg!!!!

These three furballs simply refused to let me man-handled them. So I'm unable to apply medication on them. Unlike Sammie.

Maybe I should change their sand-box on a daily basis. Esp for the other two who use it for all purposes.

Sapphire WW: Getting All Comfy

I love it that this shoe has become her bedroom.

And she loves the sand bath. Esp when it's fresh.

This seems to be her favourite corner.
I'd seen her in there several times.
Either sleeping , snacking or digging away.

And she loves the upper deck too. Guess she's a lot stronger than Sammie. Cos the first time I placed her in the cage, a few minutes later, she'd be climbing up the tubes and exploring it.
Oh! She also uses the attached exercise ball for sleeping too.

Her name ... Blitz, Evie & Chino. Will decide over the weekend.

Campbell: She Drinks!!!!!

My mum's been nagging that the water level for the Campbell hasn't been moving. Thus suspecting that she hasn't been drinking at all / much.

But guess what I saw today? The lil one drinking while laying on her side. Yeah, maybe the bottle's position ain't appropriate. Will re-look at that.

She is either grooming herself or having some skin problem. Think I hv to get the Vitakraft Emotion Beauty. It's claimed that this hamster mix is good for the skin - Omega 6. On top of this, I was told that the NWW has some skin problems too.

Her fav past-time: Hiding out in the outpost grooming and snacking.

And pigging out in the food dish.

The family's been calling her "fei mui" in Cantonese cos she is super fat. Loosly translated as "fat girl" as an endearment in that language. So now I'm cracking me head over a substitute name for that. And I've shortlisted these few - Nutmeg, Brownie & Cupcake. Will sleep over it and make a decision during the weekend.

24 May 2009

Miss Feisty Campbell

This is one feisty lady. Worse than Mae. Cos her "roar" is more aggressive than Mae's. LOL!!! And she is the biggest of all. But still cute nonetheless.

She'll be housed in this 2-level cage
which I bought from a fellow hamster owner y'day.

Miss Sapphire WW

May I introduce the sweetest lil thing I've ever met - a female Sapphire WW.

And she'll be housed in this pink cage.

If my finances permit, I will get a new cage for her. Cos she loves to bite the RUSTY grills. And since she's rather small size, I might just get this cage. Hmm ... Maybe I shud inquire on the condition first.

23 May 2009

It's Another Ger

After a week of observation and checking with the www, it is finally confirmed that my 2nd hamster is a girl.

So I asked Jnr to named her. And he chose "May". I dun quite like it cos it's a human name. Until I saw this. So she shall be named MAE instead.

Nope, I hv no idea what she is doing in the ham head. But she sure was enjoying it.

And with the two newcomers due during the weekend, I will have four daughters - including my female Maltese.

21 May 2009

Finally ...

The Full Monty. LOL!!!

Yes, that was the poop next to it. In fact, it's the 2nd piece during the 1 minute it sat there. ROFLMAO!!!!

Actually it was pruning itself.

And along the way, out came two pieces of poop

This lil fella is either fierce or skittish. Cos it simply refuses to let me stroked it nor man-handled it. It will turn around and ... "roared" at me. LOL!!!!

20 May 2009

Expected to Arrive

are two female hamsters.

A female Campbell and a female Sapphire Winter White. Will be collecting them this Sunday.

And with that, I'm getting this for one of them.
While the other will be housed in the pink cage.

BTW, I just saw this cage for sale. Might get it to replace the pink one.

19 May 2009

Caught Red-Handed

Stashing the food at the most unlikely place.

And enjoying the food at the same unlikely place.

Followed up by some housekeeping.

18 May 2009

Fresh Food

Tonight, I'm introducing fresh food to the lil fella.

Diced: carrots, winter melon and potato. Will check in a while on its status

BTW, I've been observing it for the past few days, and I am more or less confirmed that it is a female. Gonna observe a bit more before passing judgment.

ETA: 19 May, 9am
The fresh food turned yellow. So I had thrown it away.

15 May 2009

F. A. T. E. D.

I am oh so fated to keep hamsters as pets.

First, it's mummy dearest who happens to chance upon abandoned hamsters to bring home to.

Now, it's Junior's turn. But he chanced upon a discarded cage. On the 3rd floor of my block.

From this ...

To this ...

3rd level

2nd level

Ground Level

And the lil fella is having the time of its life, running up & down the tubes. And also running its life away in the wheel. And I'm smiling in my sleep to be sleeping to the "tune" of the running wheels. LOL!!!!

With all these going on, I am oh so tempted to get another hamster or two. A different breed this time. Cos now I hv a spare cage. And I'm eying another cage - a 2-level.

I'm think'g of getting a syrian and a robo. The syrian being the biggest breed can hv the 2-level cage. Then the robo, the smallest, can have the pink cage.