25 June 2009

Nutmeg: A New Hairstyle

How I wish I cud comb it down for her. LOL!!!!

Getting All Cosy Up

Mae ... in her pink hamhead


Evie ... in her egg-shell hideout.

21 June 2009

Mae: Hot, Humid Weather

This is her all-time fav place to sleep.

"Need. Fresh. Air. To. Sleep."

Nutmeg: Drop Dead Gorgeous

Evie: Penthouse & Hideout

19 June 2009

A "New" Cage-Do

As per my last post.

From these two cages

To this

Mae is taking the lower two decks. I moved the outside tubes inside and bring the wheel from the top deck to the lower deck. Yes, that is Mae snoozing in the top deck of the tubes.

As mentioned, Evie is taking the top deck. I used an outpost for the beddings.

The tubes on the left was supposed to be connected to the upper deck of the pink cage, as a pent house. But was unsuccessful. So I sealed it just for her to climb up & down. But she follows Mae's example of using the tubes as the bedroom. Yes, that's her snoozing in the tubes.

As the pink cage is not faulty in a big way, except for the rusty grills, thus it is a waste to discard it. On top of that, Evie loves climbing that pink vertical tube. So I had to give it another try to connect the two top decks. Then I realized that I can use the pink cage's tubes to connect instead. And WHOLA!!!

With the pent house being used for the bedding, the outpost has been converted to be the sandbox.

And Evie was super elated to have the pent house. Cos she's climbing up & down repeatedly, exploring her new-old home.

So this is the brand new-old 3-storey cage.

Yes, the grills are very rusty. But I have to show mummy dearest that the cage is put to the maximum use before I upgrade it.

17 June 2009

Me Mind is Made Up

Actually I was supposed to take over the above cage (2nd hand), from another hamster owner, for Evie. But after pondering over it, I found out that it is smaller than her current cage.

So I've decided not to get that cage and house both Mae & Evie in the 3-storey cage. With Mae taking the lower two decks and Evie the top deck. I'll be fixing an outpost for her bedroom. Cos that deck doesn't hv a "wall" to store and prevent the bedding from spilling out. Altho I know how to build that "wall", it'll be a tad troublesome when it's time to clean the cage. But we shall see how it goes. I will do the move this weekend.

As Evie loves climbing, I might look into setting up a penthouse for her.

I'm trying to make full use of the cages until it is "time" to upgrade to OVO series.

14 June 2009

A New Carrier

All thanks to a group of hamster-crazy people, I went and bought a carrier. The purpose to is to house the gers when I wash their cages and also to be used as a carrier ... for our next gathering.

As the pet shops in my area do not carry the "proper" ones, I just grab the one that looks okay. Plus it's cheap so no harm getting it.

But after testing it out with the gers, it can only be used as a temporary housing for the gers during the wash. But not for the outdoor purpose. Cos all three of them went into a frenzy mode of sniffing around and biting the cage. And I dun wish for that for long periods of time.

Yet, I will continue using them at home. It's better than putting them in the exercise ball - having to watch over them and them getting tired from the running. Yes, the running is good for them. But it's easier to lure them into this cage than into the ball.

But maybe .... JUST MAYBE, I'll go get a proper one.

Or not.